In December 2021 Inspiring Angels are coming to Ipswich!
Ipswich will be 'angel-bombed' with images of angels
(messengers of good news).
The angels will be a variety of shapes and sizes all over the town
- in schools, shops, on public buildings, on the pavements, in bedroom windows, wherever people's imagination takes them!

Fill Ipswich with joy this Christmas!

What does Christmas
mean to you?
Perhaps it’s nostalgia for years gone by; the excitement and wonder of small children; good food and drink or spending time with family or friends? Perhaps you have a love/hate relationship with brussel sprouts, or can’t stand certain Christmas music?! Maybe you like going to a carol service or Midnight Mass,
holding a little candle and singing the old favourites to usher in the day itself.
Or it could be that the festive season brings heartache, memories of loss, or the pain of loneliness. Maybe there is a sense of something missing? A slight gap where there is space to wonder,
‘Is there anything more to it?’
After two difficult years, we are all seeking a spark of joy. We’re on the lookout for celebration and hope.
We yearn for a light in the darkness. So this year, in the midst of all that Christmas brings,
we ask - have you seen the angels?
Because angels are everywhere in Ipswich!
The angels come as glimpses of joy. Angels are a symbol of love, of presence, pointing the way to the moment it all changed, when God came in the person of Jesus to be with us in the world, to share in love and pain alongside us. Angels appeared to tell us about the birth of a baby in a manger. Angels sang, bursting with joy, to some shepherds, and told them, ‘Go and see!'
So this Christmas, churches across Ipswich invite you to come to a Christmas service,
and to hear again the story of the baby who changed the world.
If you want to know more about the Christian faith visit www.christianity.org.uk, pop along to one of the town's many Alpha courses (www.alpha.org) and come to one of our churches. We'd love to welcome you.
Christmas services in Ipswich
Have a look at the Christmas Services page for details of carol services throughout Ipswich this December so you too can hear the angels' message of good news and great joy.